How many days will my student test?
The IOWA Test spans two consecutive days and typically requires 3 hours per day. CogAT Testing, if included with the IOWA purchase, is conducted on the Day 3 and lasts a little over 2 hours.
Are the IOWA and CogAT Online Tests timed?
Yes, the IOWA and CogAT Online tests for all grade levels are timed and require the student to adhere to the publisher’s timing recommendations. These tests are group administered and require students to adhere to Seton’s testing schedule, moving through each subtest within the allotted time. Students must move to the next subtest when time has expired. We cannot do accommodations at this time. If a student needs accommodations or has timing issues, a paper/pencil test my be a better option. Please consult the testing schedule for specific test/grade levels and timing.
What computer devices can I use? Are they suitable for testing?
The Riverside DataManager testing platform, which facilitates the administration of IOWA and CogAT tests, supports Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iPad devices. Check the System Requirements to ensure your device is supported and meets the minimal requirements needed to run the test. Next, perform a technical readiness check (run all checks) on your device to identify potential issues with the device or the internet. Detailed instructions can be found on our website at Additionally, these instructions are included in the informational emails sent along with the session codes and student ID#’s from
How are the Online IOWA and CogAT Tests Administered?
Grades K-2 IOWA and CogAT Grades 3-12 – Audio-led and require a headset or speakers for administration
The student hears the audio directions and, depending on the test, questions and answer choices. Students work independently, advancing through the test at their own pace but adhering to the timing guidelines set by Seton and the publisher. Subtests must be exited when time has run out.
Grades 3-12 IOWA – Student Self-Read Only
Students will select their answer choices by reading directions, questions, and answers choices on their own. Students work independently, advancing through the test at their own pace but adhering to the timing guidelines set by Seton and the publisher. Subtests must be exited when time has run out.
What do I need to supply for my student on testing day?
1. A room proctor – an adult who can monitor the student(s) while testing
2. Appropriate device for taking the test (Windows or Mac, Chromebook or iPad that meets system requirements)
3. A spare device for testing in case of technical difficulties
4. Headphones or speakers if taking an audio-led test: IOWA Grades K-2 (Levels 5-8) and CogAT Grades 3-12 (Levels 9-17/18)
5. Distraction-free environment for testing
6. Pencil and scrap paper
7. Session Codes supplied by Seton
8. Student Sign in information – Student ID# supplied by Seton
What are the responsibilities of a Room Proctor?
1. Availability: Being readily available to Seton via phone and email should any issue arise with the student testing or technical issues. Seton will contact the proctor from the contact information on the online account at
2. Providing Instructions: Giving instructions to students before the exam begins, including information on how to navigate the testing platform and what behavior is expected during the test.
3. Technical Support: Assisting students with any technical issues that may arise during the exam, such as problems with the testing platform or internet connectivity issues.
4. Monitoring: Observing students to ensure they follow the rules and do not engage in cheating behaviors.
5. Enforcing Rules: Enforcing test rules and guidelines, such as time limits, restrictions on resources or materials allowed during the test.
6. Responding to Incidents: Addressing any incidents of suspected cheating or misconduct according to the protocols established by the testing organization.
What is the Getting Started Session?
The Getting Started session is a 5-minute tutorial feature. This feature instructs students on taking the test along with a set of samples that illustrate the types of questions students will encounter when testing. This tutorial is done Day 1 of IOWA testing and on Day 3 of CogAT testing. There is one each.
Does my student need to take the Getting Started Tutorial?
Yes, all students must take the Getting Started Session when offered.
Can my student take a break while testing?
All tests are timed with breaks scheduled for each test/grade level. Students may only take breaks at the specified times in the testing schedule to avoid forfeiting testing time. If a student finishes a subtest early, they may have an extended break after reviewing their answers. Proctors must ensure students are logged back on promptly at least a minute or two before the next testing session and are ready to begin. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting testing time for the next session or denial of access if logging back in late.
Can my student use a calculator on any of the Math tests?
A calculator tool will be available on the IOWA Mathematics test but is not permitted on the Math Computation test. Students should use the online tool.
Does my student need to take all subtests for each day of testing?
Yes, it is necessary for the student to complete all the tests offered on each testing day. Please refer to the testing schedule corresponding to your student’s test/grade level to ascertain which subtests they will be taking each testing day.
Can I take the CogAT without taking the IOWA on Day 1 & 2?
If you have ordered the IOWA with the CogAT, the CogAT is scheduled for Day 3 of testing. Unless the student has completed the IOWA assessment, they will not be permitted to take the CogAT test. The test publisher mandates Seton to exclusively offer and score the IOWA with a CogAT to homeschooled students.
When do I receive student test scores?
Score reports will be available in your online account at on the following Tuesday.
What should I do if I am experiencing any technical issues during testing?
If you experience technical issues while testing, please call Seton on our IOWA testing line at 888-766-5805. Seton is available for technical assistance between 9 AM – 5 PM ET.