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Iowa Assessments Form E

The new IOWA Tests Form E are standardized tests nationally normed in 2011 & 2017 that measure student achievement and growth across a continuum of next generation learning standards. These tests can monitor growth using a continuous, researched-based, vertical scale to accurately measure academic progress from kindergarten through high school. The IOWA Form E can indicate college and career readiness through high-quality, easily accessible, and interpretable assessment data helping educators and families determine whether students are on track for college and careers. A bachelor’s degree is preferred but not required for administration.

We have specific ordering steps for Schools & Groups here.

Cognitive Abilities Test™ – Form 7 (CogAT 7)

Now available for homeschoolers! The new CogAT Form 7 appraises the cognitive development of students from grades 2-12. The test measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three cognitive domains most closely related to success in school: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning. By measuring these three reasoning domains, CogAT provides a broad perspective on each student, identifying profiles of cognitive strengths and weaknesses critical for talent identification that single-score instruments would miss. Thus, CogAT is a reliable and valid tool that assists in planning effective instructional programs and adapting instruction to enhance the student’s chances of success in learning. Must be taken with the IOWA. See IOWA & CogAT Combo below.
For schools wanting to order the CogAT only, go here.

Order the test level according to the norm period in which you plan to test. See the chart below.

  • Grade K Level 5 – Test scores are not available until Dec. 1 (Midyear Norms). Level 5 for Grade K is only available for Midyear and Spring testing.
  • Grade K Level 6 – Test scores are not available until March 1 (Spring Norms). Level 6 for Grade K is only available for Spring testing.
  • Grade 1  Level 7 – Test scores are not available until Dec. 1 (Midyear Norms). Level 7 for Grade 1 is only available for Midyear and Spring testing.
GradeFall Test Level
Aug. 1 – Nov. 30
Midyear Test Level
Dec. 1 – Feb. 28/29
Spring Test Level
March 1 – July 31
K 5 (Grade K.4-K.9)5 or 6 (Grades K.8-1.9)$47
16 (Grades K.8-1.9)6 or 77 (Grades 1.7-2.5)$47
27 (Grades 1.7-2.5)8 (Grades 2.5-3.5)8 (Grades 2.5-3.5)$47
38 or 99 (Grade 3.0-3.9)9 (Grade 3.0-3.9)$47/$37
410 (Grade 4.0-4.9)10 (Grade 4.0-4.9)10 (Grade 4.0-4.9)$37
511 (Grade 5.0-5.9)11 (Grade 5.0-5.9)11 (Grade 5.0-5.9)$37
612 (Grade 6.0-6.9)12 (Grade 6.0-6.9)12 (Grade 6.0-6.9)$37
713 (Grade 7.0-7.9)13 (Grade 7.0-7.9)13 (Grade 7.0-7.9)$37
814 (Grade 8.0-8.9)14 (Grade 8.0-8.9)14 (Grade 8.0-8.9)$37
915 (Grade 9.0-9.9)15 (Grade 9.0-9.9)15 (Grade 9.0-9.9)$37
1016 (Grade 10.0-10.9)16 (Grade 10.0-10.9)16 (Grade 10.0-10.9)$37
1117/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)17/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)17/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)$37
1217/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)17/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)17/18 (Grades 11.0-12.9)$37
  • Students must be 4 years 11 months to 21 years 7 months. Student ages outside that range CANNOT be scored.
  • Testing Off Grade Level: We do not recommend testing more than two grade levels above or below current grade level. Norming data is not available and reports will not be complete.


For grades K-3 there are 2 test level options. The lower level is for Fall testing, the upper is for Spring. See chart above.
Consumable – The student puts the answer directly in the test booklet.
Reusable – The student puts the answer on a separate answer sheet.

IOWA & CogAT Consumable (Grades 2 & 3)

Homeschoolers: The CogAT WILL NOT be scored if the IOWA test is not taken.
Please Note: CogAT Form 7 Level 8 may not be sold or administered online in the state of Virginia.


IOWA & CogAT Combo (Grades 3-12)

Homeschoolers: The CogAT WILL NOT be scored if the IOWA test is not taken.


Administration Requirements

  • Create an online account.
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred; not required
  • Paper booklet test
  • Test Agreement Signed Annually
  • Homeschools & private schools only
  • For students 4 yrs. 11 mos. to 21 yrs. 7 mos.
  • 14-day rental period
  • IOWA & CogAT combo available

IOWA & CogAT tests scored between the following dates will be scored with the following norming data.

August 1 – November 30Fall Norms – Start of Grade
Dec. 1 – February 28/29Midyear Norms
March 1 – July 31Spring Norms – End of Grade

Test materials must arrive back at our facility by the last day of the norm period to be scored for that norm period. ie. If you want your test scored for Spring Norms, your test materials must arrive at our facility no later than July 31.

Test Restrictions

State Restrictions for the IOWA: No restrictions.

State Restrictions for the CogAT: CogAT Form 7 Level 8 may not be sold or administered online in the state of Virginia. CogAT Form 7 Level 13/14 may not be sold to Diocesan schools in the vicinity of the New York Archdiocese and Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens in the states of New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut.

Test Prep

Prepare your student for success with IOWA Practice Tests, Test Prep & Test Prep Bundles.


The IOWA Form E Evaluates:

Language Skills

  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Language (Grades K-2)
  • Capitalization (Grades 3-8)
  • Written Expression (Gr. 3-12)
  • Listening (Grades K-3)
  • Word Analysis (Gr. K-3)
  • Spelling (Grades 3-8)
  • Punctuation (Grades 3-8)


  • Math Concepts
  • Math Computation

Science & Social Studies

  • Science Materials
  • Social Studies

The CogAT Form 7 Evaluates:

Verbal Battery

  • Verbal Analogies
  • Sentence Completion
  • Verbal Classification
Quantitative Battery

  • Number Analogies
  • Number Puzzles
  • Number Series
Nonverbal Battery

  • Figure Matrices
  • Paper Folding
  • Figure Classification


Ordering the IOWA Form E & CogAT Form 7

  • Place your order 3 weeks to 5 months BEFORE your desired test date.

  • July 1-February 28 ONLY: To test ASAP: After selecting the earliest test week, in the comments box just above the “Place Order” button, say: “SEND IMMEDIATELY.” If you place your order before 5pm EST on Wednesday, then your order should ship within 1 business day.
  • March 1-June 30: IOWA, CogAT, CAT Survey, & TerraNova/CAT 6 orders placed over the phone or online cannot be moved up and will ship about 10 days before your beginning test week. This applies to walk-in customers also.
  • WHAT YOU GET: The price of IOWA and CogAT tests cover the 14-day rental cost of the student test booklets, test administration directions, answer sheet, standard shipping to you, scoring, and posting the test results.

Refund Policy: No partial refunds are issued for orders of the IOWA and CogAT assessments when purchased as a unit. If customers return both assessments unused within 14 days of the beginning test date, they may still be eligible for a 75% refund, but only if both assessments are unused.


Administration and Completion of the IOWA


A bachelor’s degree is preferred but not required for administration. Follow the directions for administering the test.

  • K5–2 (Levels 5–8) must be administered separately by grade.
  • Grades 3–8 (Levels 9–14) reusable may be administered together; Grade 3 (Level 9) consumable would need to be administered separately.
  • Grades 9–12 (Levels 15–17/18) may be administered together.

Completion Times

Levels 5-8 are untimed, so times for those levels are estimates. Tests for levels 9-17/18 are timed. Note that Level 9 includes two optional subtests—Word Analysis and Listening—which would add an additional 20 and 25 minutes, respectively, to the time indicated below.

  • Grades K-1 (Levels 5 & 6): 2.5–2.6 total hours
  • Grade 2 (Levels 7 & 8): 4 total hours
  • Grades 3-8 (Levels 9-14): 5 total hours
  • Grades 9–12 (Levels 15-17/18): 4 total hours

Note: These are approximate times for the Full Battery. If you opt to do just the core portions of the test (Reading, Language, and Math), administration time will decrease substantially.

Administration and Completion of the CogAT

  • Levels 10–17/18 levels may be tested together. Levels 8 & 9 must be tested separately.
  • Levels 9–17/18 take 1½ hours to complete. Level 8 takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
  • CogAT Form 7 can be administered in whole or in part; however, the most complete view of a student will be provided through administration of all three batteries.
  • Recommended to take the CogAT every two to three years.
  • Combining achievement tests and learning ability tests can help you develop reasonable expectations for your student’s progress, based on his or her abilities.

Norming Dates

IOWA Form E & CogAT Form 7 tests scored between the following dates will be scored with the following norming data.

August 1 – November 30Fall Norms – Beginning of Grade Level
December 1 – Last day of FebruaryMidyear Norms
March 1 – July 31Spring Norms – End of Grade Level

PLEASE NOTE: Fall Norms are not available for the IOWA grade K test. Test materials must arrive back at our facility by the last day of the norm period to be scored for that norm period. ie. If you want your test scored for Spring Norms, your test materials must arrive at our facility no later than July 31.


Is the IOWA Form E a timed test? How long does it take to administer?

IOWA Form E tests are not timed in Levels 5-8. It is timed for Levels 9-18 and takes from two and one-half hours to five hours of actual working time for the students to complete, depending upon the grade level and the test taken. Each section for the IOWA Form E is no longer than 35 minutes. No more than two or three tests should be given in one day. The tests should be spread out over 3 to 4 days. See what is tested at each level and the completion times for each section.

Do students have time to complete the IOWA Form E in the allotted time?

The IOWA test is designed so that almost all students have time to complete the test. Levels 5-8 of the IOWA test are untimed. The percentage of students completing the final question in each section of each subtest varies by grade and format. Approximately 94-99% of students complete the tests in the time allotted. Please read and adhere to the testing directions for the timing of each test section. See what is tested at each level and the completion times for each section.

What type of test is the IOWA Form E?

The IOWA Assessments are achievement tests that assess students’ skills in Reading, Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. The tests assess both foundational skills and higher-order thinking skills. The IOWA Assessments provide national and local comparisons. The IOWA Form E is a nationally normed achievement test. Your child’s scores are compared to the scores of other children who have taken the test, the norming population for the test. There is no direct correlation between the number of correct answers and the percentiles reported. If, for example, a student scores at the fifty-seventh percentile, it indicates that a student scored higher than fifty-seven percent of students who took this test in the national sampling group for his grade level, not that the student got fifty-seven percent of the questions correct.

What are the purposes of the IOWA Assessments?

In addition to meeting state testing requirements, Iowa Assessments can provide information that may be used to improve instruction and student learning. Teachers can use test results both to inform parents of an individual student’s progress and to evaluate the progress of an entire class. Educators can monitor growth by comparing results from multiple test administrations to determine whether individuals and groups are progressing as planned. Achievement tests also help identify strengths and weaknesses in different learning areas by serving as a supplement to teacher observations and other classroom assessments. Weaknesses can help explain learning difficulties in related areas and form a basis for improving instruction, while strengths can provide a foundation on which to build additional skills.

Why are there two test level options for grades K-3?

The first option is for Fall testing. The second option is for Spring testing. For example, Grade 1 Level 6 is for 1st graders in the Fall of the school year. Grade 1 Level 7 is for 1st graders in the Spring of the school year.

What is tested on the IOWA Form E for Grades K-8 (Levels 5-14)?

The IOWA tests students in Reading (Levels 5-14), Language (Levels 5-8), Math (Levels 5-14), Vocabulary (Levels 5-14), Spelling (Levels 7-14), Word Analysis (Levels 5-9), Listening (Levels 5-9), Social Studies (Levels 7-14), Science (Levels 7-14). All questions are read aloud by the teacher. Click the following link for a detailed chart of the IOWA Form E Scope & Sequence.

What is tested on the IOWA Form E for Grades 9-12 (Levels 15-18)?

The IOWA Form E for high school tests students in the areas of Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Math, Computation, Science, and Social Studies. Click the following link for a detailed chart of the IOWA Form E Scope & Sequence.

Do you have descriptions of the types of test questions on the IOWA Form E?

You can read this document for descriptions of the types of test questions on the IOWA Form E. For sample test questions, visit our test preparation products page to prepare your child for the test. There are practice tests, helpful test-taking hints, & answer keys.

Do I have to administer all the tests in a battery?

It is not necessary to administer all the tests in a battery; however, in order to obtain total and composite scores on score reports, you must administer certain tests. For example, to obtain an English Language Arts Total for Level 5 and 5/6 tests, you must administer the Reading, Language, and Vocabulary tests.

Can the Iowa Assessments be administered to students with special needs?

The Iowa Assessments can be administered with accommodations or modifications to students whose special needs may make it difficult for them to demonstrate their achievement when standard testing procedures are used. Most students requiring accommodations or modifications will have been identified as eligible for special education services and will have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP), or a Section 504 Plan. The IEP or other plan ordinarily indicates whether the student should receive testing accommodations or modifications during standardized assessments and what the nature of those accommodations or modifications should be.

Can the Iowa Assessments be administered to ELL students?

The Iowa Assessments can be administered to English language learners (ELLs). Depending on the level of English language proficiency, some students may benefit from receiving accommodations during testing. The purpose of using accommodations with English language learners is to be able to measure skills and knowledge related to the curriculum without significant interference from their limited opportunity to learn English and use it during assessment. Local, school-system, or state guidelines should be followed when making decisions related to accommodations for ELL students.

What is your Statement on the Iowa Form E and Common Core?

The Iowa Assessments are built to reflect a cross-section of leading standard sets; we find that state, local, national, and international standards overlap about 80-90%. It is to this overlap that the Iowa Assessments blueprint is built – and not to any single standard set. The blueprint for the Iowa Assessments is created by independently reviewing and drawing from all major standard sets including those from leading states (such as TEKS in Texas and Virginia’s Standards of Learning), international benchmarks (such as PISA, TIMMS, and PIRLS), and national organizations (*NCTM, NCTE, IRA, and NCSS). At the time the blueprint for the Iowa Assessments Forms E, F, and G was created, the CCSS were still being drafted and were not part of the initial reviews. The CCSS were published in draft from around the time that the Form E standardization studies were underway.  When the CCSS were finalized and adopted by the majority of US states, Riverside provided a post hoc Common Core report to reflect student performance where the CCSS interact with the EFG test blueprints at the content domain level (rather than at standard level). Riverside provides a similar domain report for the TEKS in the state of Texas. However, the Iowa Assessments were built independently of any specific standard set and are not a “Common Core assessment.” *PISA – Program for International School Assessment *TIMMS – Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study *PIRLS – Progress in International Reading Literacy Study *NCTM – National Council of Teachers of Mathematics *NCTE – National Council of Teachers of English *IRA – International Reading Association *NCSS – National Council of Social Studies *CCSS – Common Core State Standards

Practice Tests

IOWA Practice Tests – Forms E/F/G

IOWA Form E/F/G Practice Test KitThese short practice tests (about 7-18 pages) for the Iowa Assessments™ have been designed by the test publisher to help students grades K-12 become familiar with the types of tasks they will encounter when they take the Iowa Assessments Form E. These Practice Tests may be used with all batteries of Forms E/F/G of the Iowa Assessments. They contain questions (about 39-77 per booklet) that are similar in format and content to the questions in the regular tests. Practice tests are available in kits or as individual student practice tests. Each practice test booklet for a particular group of levels contains the same questions in each booklet. For more extensive practice test booklets with multiple practice tests, please see Scoring High on the IOWA or Spectrum Test Practice Reproducible.

  • Reading
  • Written Expression
  • Word Analysis
  • Listening
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Punctuation
  • Mathematics
  • Computation
  • Science
  • Social Studies
PLEASE NOTE: Grades K, 1, & 2 (Levels 5-6 & 7-8) Practice Tests CANNOT be administered without using the Directions Booklet in the Kit.

IOWA Practice Test Kit (1 Directions Booklet with Answer Key & 1 Practice Test Booklet) $16.50

IOWA Practice Test ONLY (1 Practice Test Booklet only – No Directions Booklet/No Answer Key) – $4.50

PLEASE NOTE: Grades K-1 & 1-3 (Levels 5-6 & 7-8) Practice Tests MUST HAVE the Directions Booklet that comes with the Kit for $16.50.

Scoring High on the IOWA

This practice test program is one of the most comprehensive available for the IOWA Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS). With both a Student Edition of approximately 140 pages of practice tests, and a Teacher’s Edition of nearly 180 pages (including answer keys and scores of tips and suggestions for teaching test-taking skills), the program gives your student the self-confidence they need over several weeks of test practice.


$19.00 (Student Workbook only – NO TEACHER BOOK/NO ANSWER KEY) Copyright 2007.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend ordering only the Student Book unless you have already purchased the Teacher’s Edition.

Building Thinking Skills (Grades 2-12+) $29.99

A Test Prep Program for the CogAT, OLSAT, InView, and standardized tests.

Building Thinking Skills
View Sample Pages

This engaging series develops critical thinking skills necessary for success in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and standardized tests in Grades 2-12+. The Building Thinking Skills® series is the bestselling thinking skills program in the world! The engaging, highly-effective activities are developmentally sequenced. Each skill (for example, classifying) is presented first in the semi-concrete figural-spatial form. Students also learn important academic vocabulary, concepts, and skills as they analyze relationships between objects, between words, and between objects and words by:

  • Observing, recognizing, and describing characteristics
  • Distinguishing similarities and differences
  • Identifying & completing sequences, classifications, & analogies

These processes help students develop superior thinking and communication skills that lead to deeper content learning in all subjects. Activities are modeled to reinforce skills and concepts. Level 3 for grades 7-12+ is split into two books: one for Figural Similarities, Sequences, and Classifications; and one for Verbal Similarities, Sequences, and Classifications. These workbooks are reproducible for classroom and individual use! Answer key included. 200-400+ pages depending on grade level. Copyright 2006-2008.


IOWA Form E Resources

IOWA Form E Sample Test Report

IOWA Form E Quick Reference Guide to Score Types

IOWA Form E Scope & Sequence

IOWA Form E Test Question Descriptions

IOWA Form E Subjects Tested plus Completion Times

IOWA Form E Practice Tests & Accommodations Document

CogAT Resources

CogAT Form 7 Sample Report

CogAT Form 7 Scope & Sequence

CogAT Form 7 Areas Tested plus Completion Times

Interactive Ability Profile Interpretation System*

*This link will take you to an external site that was built to enable teachers & parents to interpret the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT) Ability Score Profiles for their students.

CogAT Form 7 Test Prep & Test Prep Bundles

College Readiness

IOWA Form E ACT Predictor Scores

IOWA Form E Predictive Validity & College Readiness

IOWA Form E College & Career Readiness