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Iowa Assessments™ Form E Online &
IOWA E Online with CogAT 7®

Seton Testing Services now provides the IOWA E Online Complete Battery with Lexile® for grades  K–12 &  the IOWA Form E Complete Battery  with CogAT  7 Online for grades 3-12.

This nationally normed, standardized achievement test and the CogAT (cognitive abilities test) can now be taken online through Seton during a scheduled week you select at check-out up to 5 months in advance. You can have your student take the IOWA Assessment (IOWA From E) by itself or add the cognitive abilities test (CogAT 7) to your testing. The IOWA Form E measures student academic growth and the CogAT 7 measures student reasoning and problem solving abilities. The CogAT 7 also provides insight into the way a student learns. When taken together students’ ability scores from CogAT 7 can be compared with their achievement, measured with Iowa Form E. These comparisons can further assist in identifying the best approach to teaching your student. When taken with Seton these online multiple choice assessments are timed at all levels.

No BA or BS degree required. Seton is the Test Administrator.
See the Proctor Guide, Mon-Tues-Fri Schedule, Wed-Thurs-Fri Schedule, & Info Packet.

Pricing and Grades

Order the test level according to the norm period in which you plan to test. See the chart below.

  • Testing for Grade K begins Midyear with level 5 for online testing.
  • Level 6 is given for Grade K in the spring for online testing. (Not currently available)
  • Grades K-2 (levels 5-8) IOWA online tests and all CogAT online tests grades 3-12 (levels 9-17/18) are audio-led and require headphones or a computer with speakers.
GradeFallMidyearSpringFall/Midyear/SpringIOWA OnlyIOWA w/CogAT
K 56Not Available$45NA
1677Not Available$45NA
2788Not Available$45NA

Iowa E Online – 9 AM Eastern Time

  • Grades K-6 – Wed & Thurs
  • Grades 7-12 – Mon & Tues


Iowa E Online – 1 PM Eastern Time

  • Grades K-6 – Mon & Tues
  • Grades 7-12 – Wed & Thurs


Iowa E Online with CogAT – 9 AM Eastern Time

  • Grades 3-6 – Wed, Thurs, Fri
  • Grades 7-12 – Mon, Tues, Fri


Iowa E Online with CogAT – 1 PM Eastern Time

  • Grades 3-6 – Mon, Tues, Fri
  • Grades 7-12 – Wed, Thurs, Fri


Administration Requirements

    • Online timed tests at all levels taken on Windows, Mac desktop or laptop computer, Chromebook or iPad.
    • IOWA audio-led testing for Grades 1-2 (levels 7-8) require headset or speakers.
    • CogAT audio-led testing for Grades 3-12 (levels 9-12) require headset or speakers.
    • No BA or BS Degree Required.
    • Test Agreement Signed Annually.
    • Homeschools Only at this time.
    • Mon-Tues-Fri Schedule
    • Wed-Thurs-Fri Schedule

Holiday Exceptions
Week of TestingIOWA & CogAT Online
Week of April 14, 2025
(Holy Week – Good Friday)
No CogAT Testing
April 14-18, 2025
Week of May 26, 2025
(Memorial Day)
No Mon/Tues Testing
May 26-30
Week of June 30, 2025
(Independence Day)
No Wed/Thurs or CoGAT Testing
June 30-July 4
Week of Sept. 1, 2025
(Labor Day)
No Mon/Tues Testing
Sept. 1-5
Week of Nov. 24, 2025
No Testing
Nov. 24-28
Week of Dec. 22, 2025
No Testing
Dec. 22-26
Week of Dec. 29, 2025
(New Year’s Jan. 1, 2026)
No Testing
Dec. 29, 2025-Jan. 2, 2026

IOWA Form E & CogAT Form 7 tests scored between the following dates will be scored with the following norming data.

August 1 – Nov. 30Fall Norms – Beginning of Grade
Dec. 1 – February 28/29Midyear Norms
March 1 – July 31Spring Norms – End of Grade

NO EXCEPTIONS to the norming dates. Place your order accordingly. ie. If you want the test to be scored for Spring Norms, the test must be completed by the last week of July.

Test Restrictions

State Restrictions for the IOWA: No restrictions.

State Restrictions for the CogAT: CogAT Form 7 Level 13/14 may not be sold to Diocesan schools in the vicinity of the New York Archdiocese and Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens in the states of New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut.

Overview of the IOWA E Online and the CogAT 7 Online

Overview IOWA Form E Online and the Cogat Form 7 Online

The IOWA E Online is available currently in Complete Battery with a Lexile® Measurement. The price includes everything you need to test.

The Form E Online Evaluates:

Language Skills

  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Language (Grades K-2)
  • Capitalization (Grades 3-8)
  • Written Expression (Gr. 3-12)
  • Listening (Gr. K-2)
  • Word Analysis (Gr. K-2)
  • Spelling (Grades 3-8)
  • Punctuation (Grades 3-8)


  • Math Concepts
  • Math Computation

Science & Social Studies

  • Science Materials

IOWA Form E Scope & Sequence

  • Social Studies

The CogAT Form 7 Online Evaluates:

For more information on the Cogat…

Verbal Battery

  • Verbal Analogies
  • Sentence Completion
  • Verbal Classification
Quantitative Battery

  • Number Analogies
  • Number Puzzles
  • Number Series
Nonverbal Battery

  • Figure Matrices
  • Paper Folding
  • Figure Classification
Timing found on timing chart. An interactive website can be accessed after taking the CogAT that provides a report tailored especially to your child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses! The CogAT 7 Online is taken in conjunction with the Iowa E Online.

What’s Included?

  • Getting Started Practice Session(s) included with the test (one taken as the first session Day 1 of IOWA testing and one as the first session of Day 3 if taking the CogAT). Introduces students to the online testing format.  It is not an actual practice test.  Sample questions show students how to use highlighter function, choose answers and how to navigate the test.
  • Directions for Administration (IOWA audio for grades K-2; CogAT audio for all grades) Directions on text page for IOWA grades 3-12
  • Online Test
  • In test calculator tool when permitted
  • Session numbers delivered one week before your testing week and a follow up email reminder the Friday before your testing week.
  • Score Reports uploaded to your online account at by the end of day, the Tuesday after your scheduled testing week.

Evaluate Computer Equipment BEFORE YOU ORDER

Evaluate Computer Equipment BEFORE YOU ORDER

  1. Check System Requirements
  2. Perform Technical Readiness CheckRun all Checks.
  3. Follow Instructions for Secure Browser Download
  4. Download the Browser (zip file) for either:
  5. Ensure your audio device (headset or speakers) is operational for testing
    • IOWA Testing Grades K-2 (Levels 5-8) – All test sessions are audio-led and require a headset or speakers
    • CogAT Test Grades 3-12(Levels 9-17/18) – All test sessions are audio-led and require a headset or speakers

If you are running into technical difficulties, please contact Seton Testing, Monday – Friday at 1-800-542-1066 or the IOWA Online at or 888-776-5805 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET. This is the only time that technical help is available. Please do not wait until the first testing day!


Ordering Steps for IOWA and IOWA w/CogAT Online

Step 1: Login to your Seton Testing account or Create an account.

Step 2: Electronically Sign the IOWA and CogAT Online Test User Agreement. Must be signed annually.

Step 3: Add Test to Cart.

  1. On the IOWA E Online page scroll down to the shopping cart area.
  2. Choose either the IOWA E Online or IOWA E Online with CogAT
  3. Select the appropriate grade level test for the student and click the “Add to Cart” button.
  4. Click shopping cart icon in the top right corner of the page, then scroll down to either select or add a student to the test.

Step 4: Choose a test week that is 3 weeks to 5 months in advance, and fill in all the required information.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to test multiple students on multiple weeks, you need to place separate orders.

Seton administers the IOWA and IOWA w/CogAT Online each week with the exception of holiday weeks.

IOWA test is administered over a two-day period with AM and PM on Eastern Standard Time. The IOWA w/CogAT is administered over a 3-day period with AM and PM sessions.

The IOWA and IOWA with CogAT Online orders cannot be moved up to an earlier test date.

Step 5: Place your order using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card and click the “Place Order” button.

Step 6: Receive Confirmation Emails.

Seton sends a series of emails to you at various stages of the process. Add the following email addresses to your contacts to ensure delivery to your inbox: &

Emails 1, 2 and 3 come from

Email #2 and #3 only sent when new account is created.

    1. Order Confirmation: Sent immediately after placing your order, confirming your order and testing week and times. This information is also located in your online account under Order History.
    2. Account Verification: Sent within 2 hours of order placement, asking you to verify your account (if newly created).
    3. Temporary Password: Sent with a temporary password to log into your account (if newly created).

Emails: 4, 5, and 6 sent from

    4. Delivery Information: Sent immediately after placing your order with details about IOWA Online and IOWA with CogAT Online Information packet and testing schedule attached.
    5. Test Week Details: Sent 1 week before test week with session numbers and student IDs for each testing day (2 days for IOWA, 3 for IOWA with CogAT). Testing Schedule and Information Packet attached. Session #’s and ID#s now located in your online account at
    6. Reminder: Sent the Friday before the test week as a reminder, repeating key information from Email #5. Keep this email for reference.
    7. Day 1 of Testing: Session codes with ID#s. Also located in online account.

If you are running into technical difficulties, please contact either Seton Testing Monday – Friday at 1-888-766-5805 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET. This is the only time that technical help is available. Please do not wait until the first testing day!


Administration of the IOWA E Online and the CogAT 7 Online


  • Group-led 2 or 3 day test. Times can be found on the timing schedule. All times are Eastern.
  • CogAT Form 7 is administered in its entirety during the 3rd day of testing the complete student will be provided through administration of all three batteries.
  • Recommended to take the CogAT with the IOWA every two to three years.
  • The CogAT can only be ordered in combination with the IOWA Form E Tests.
  • Combining achievement tests and learning ability tests can help you develop reasonable expectations for your student’s progress, based on his or her abilities.

IOWA Form E & CogAT Form 7 tests scored between the following dates will be scored with the following norming data.

August 1 – November 30Fall Norms – Beginning of Grade Level
December 1 – Last day of FebruaryMidyear Norms
March 1 – July 31Spring Norms – End of Grade Level

Policies & Procedures

IOWA E Online Policies and Procedures


  • At times, the sale of certain tests to specific regions and/or states is restricted by Riverside Insights.
  • All orders are subject to approval by Seton Testing Services.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • IOWA E Online orders can be moved back to a later testing date all year-round. Tests may not be available for an earlier testing date.
  • No last minute orders can be placed for the IOWA E Online at this time. The latest time that orders may be placed is two weeks in advance.
  • Seton will send a confirmation email after you place your order. If your order is incorrect, please call us as soon as possible at 1-888-766-5805.
  • Some states may not permit parental administration of the test. It is your responsibility to check your state’s testing requirements.
  • Seton reserves the right to exit students midtest due to technical difficulties and going over the scheduled time.

Cancellations & Refunds

  • IOWA E Online tests purchased from Seton Testing may be cancelled for a full refund 3 or more business days before the beginning of your test week.
  • Orders cancelled less than 3 days before the beginning of your test week will receive a 50% refund.
  • Orders cannot be cancelled and will not be refunded the day of testing.
  • Testing sessions can be rescheduled the day of testing BUT cannot be cancelled for a refund.
  • Cancellations must be made in writing by emailing Seton Testing Services at


  • Customers may reschedule their testing date for no additional fee 3 or more business days before the beginning of the testing week.
  • Tests rescheduled less than 3 days from the beginning of the testing week will incur an additional $15.00 per test rescheduling fee to be charged on their card.
  • Once a test has been rescheduled it cannot be cancelled.


  • If your student misses a day of testing or fails to finish the subtests scheduled for that day, please call us regarding a make-up session. Remember, subtests started must be completed the day they are delivered. Make-ups are only granted for subtests a student did not access and are subject to proctor availability. Makeup requests may be denied due to lack of availability.
  • A nominal fee of $45.00 per hour of testing will be charged per student for all make-ups. Make-ups are subject to proctor availability and may not be approved by Seton.
  • Make-ups are scheduled based on Seton’s availability and are not flexible.


How many days will my student test?

The IOWA Test spans two consecutive days and typically requires 3 hours per day. CogAT Testing, if included with the IOWA purchase, is conducted on the Day 3 and lasts a little over 2 hours.

Are the IOWA and CogAT Online Tests timed?

Yes, the IOWA and CogAT Online tests for all grade levels are timed and require the student to adhere to the publisher’s timing recommendations. These tests are group administered and require students to adhere to Seton’s testing schedule, moving through each subtest within the allotted time. Students must move to the next subtest when time has expired. We cannot do accommodations at this time. If a student needs accommodations or has timing issues, a paper/pencil test my be a better option. Please consult the testing schedule for specific test/grade levels and timing.

What computer devices can I use? Are they suitable for testing?

The Riverside DataManager testing platform, which facilitates the administration of IOWA and CogAT tests, supports Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iPad devices. Check the System Requirements to ensure your device is supported and meets the minimal requirements needed to run the test. Next, perform a technical readiness check (run all checks) on your device to identify potential issues with the device or the internet. Detailed instructions can be found on our website at Additionally, these instructions are included in the informational emails sent along with the session codes and student ID#’s from

How are the Online IOWA and CogAT Tests Administered?

Grades K-2 IOWA and CogAT Grades 3-12 – Audio-led and require a headset or speakers for administration

The student hears the audio directions and, depending on the test, questions and answer choices. Students work independently, advancing through the test at their own pace but adhering to the timing guidelines set by Seton and the publisher. Subtests must be exited when time has run out.

Grades 3-12 IOWA – Student Self-Read Only

Students will select their answer choices by reading directions, questions, and answers choices on their own. Students work independently, advancing through the test at their own pace but adhering to the timing guidelines set by Seton and the publisher. Subtests must be exited when time has run out.

What do I need to supply for my student on testing day?

    1. A room proctor – an adult who can monitor the student(s) while testing
    2. Appropriate device for taking the test (Windows or Mac, Chromebook or iPad that meets system requirements)
    3. A spare device for testing in case of technical difficulties
    4. Headphones or speakers if taking an audio-led test: IOWA Grades K-2 (Levels 5-8) and CogAT Grades 3-12 (Levels 9-17/18)
    5. Distraction-free environment for testing
    6. Pencil and scrap paper
    7. Session Codes supplied by Seton
    8. Student Sign in information – Student ID# supplied by Seton

What are the responsibilities of a Room Proctor?

    1. Availability: Being readily available to Seton via phone and email should any issue arise with the student testing or technical issues. Seton will contact the proctor from the contact information on the online account at
    2. Providing Instructions: Giving instructions to students before the exam begins, including information on how to navigate the testing platform and what behavior is expected during the test.
    3. Technical Support: Assisting students with any technical issues that may arise during the exam, such as problems with the testing platform or internet connectivity issues.
    4. Monitoring: Observing students to ensure they follow the rules and do not engage in cheating behaviors.
    5. Enforcing Rules: Enforcing test rules and guidelines, such as time limits, restrictions on resources or materials allowed during the test.
    6. Responding to Incidents: Addressing any incidents of suspected cheating or misconduct according to the protocols established by the testing organization.

What is the Getting Started Session?

The Getting Started session is a 5-minute tutorial feature. This feature instructs students on taking the test along with a set of samples that illustrate the types of questions students will encounter when testing. This tutorial is done Day 1 of IOWA testing and on Day 3 of CogAT testing. There is one each.

Does my student need to take the Getting Started Tutorial?

Yes, all students must take the Getting Started Session when offered.

Can my student take a break while testing?

All tests are timed with breaks scheduled for each test/grade level. Students may only take breaks at the specified times in the testing schedule to avoid forfeiting testing time. If a student finishes a subtest early, they may have an extended break after reviewing their answers. Proctors must ensure students are logged back on promptly at least a minute or two before the next testing session and are ready to begin. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting testing time for the next session or denial of access if logging back in late.

Can my student use a calculator on any of the Math tests?

A calculator tool will be available on the IOWA Mathematics test but is not permitted on the Math Computation test. Students should use the online tool.

Does my student need to take all subtests for each day of testing?

Yes, it is necessary for the student to complete all the tests offered on each testing day. Please refer to the testing schedule corresponding to your student’s test/grade level to ascertain which subtests they will be taking each testing day.

Can I take the CogAT without taking the IOWA on Day 1 & 2?

If you have ordered the IOWA with the CogAT, the CogAT is scheduled for Day 3 of testing. Unless the student has completed the IOWA assessment, they will not be permitted to take the CogAT test. The test publisher mandates Seton to exclusively offer and score the IOWA with a CogAT to homeschooled students.

When do I receive student test scores?

Score reports will be available in your online account at on the following Tuesday.

What should I do if I am experiencing any technical issues during testing?

If you experience technical issues while testing, please call Seton on our IOWA testing line at 888-766-5805. Seton is available for technical assistance between 9 AM – 5 PM ET.

Test Prep

IOWA Practice Tests – Forms E/F/G

IOWA Form E/F/G Practice Test KitThese short practice tests (about 7-18 pages) for the Iowa Assessments™ have been designed by the test publisher to help students grades K-12 become familiar with the types of tasks they will encounter when they take the Iowa Assessments Form E. These Practice Tests may be used with all batteries of Forms E/F/G of the Iowa Assessments. They contain questions (about 39-77 per booklet) that are similar in format and content to the questions in the regular tests. Practice tests are available in kits or as individual student practice tests. Each practice test booklet for a particular group of levels contains the same questions in each booklet. For more extensive practice test booklets with multiple practice tests, please see Scoring High on the IOWA or Spectrum Test Practice Reproducible.


PLEASE NOTE: Grades K, 1, & 2 (Levels 5-6 & 7-8) Practice Tests CANNOT be administered without using the Directions Booklet in the Kit.

IOWA Practice Test Kit (1 Directions Booklet with Answer Key & 1 Practice Test Booklet) $16.50

IOWA Practice Test ONLY (1 Practice Test Booklet Only – No Directions Booklet/No Answer Key) $4.50

PLEASE NOTE: Grades K, 1, & 2 (Levels 5-6 & 7-8) Practice Tests MUST HAVE the Directions Booklet that comes with the Kit for $16.

Scoring High on the IOWA

This practice test program is one of the most comprehensive available for the IOWA Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS). The Student Edition has approximately 140 pages of practice tests for several weeks of test practice.

$19.00 (Student Workbook only – NO TEACHER BOOK/NO ANSWER KEY) Copyright 2007.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend ordering only the Student Book unless you have already purchased the Teacher’s Edition. The Student Book for grades 1 and 2 cannot be completed without the Teacher’s Edition. You may purchase the student book separately if extra copies are needed.

Building Thinking Skills (Grades 2-12+) $29.99

A Test Prep Program for the CogAT, OLSAT, InView, and standardized tests.

Building Thinking Skills
View Sample Pages

This engaging series develops critical thinking skills necessary for success in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and standardized tests in Grades 2-12+. The Building Thinking Skills® series is the bestselling thinking skills program in the world! The engaging, highly-effective activities are developmentally sequenced. Each skill (for example, classifying) is presented first in the semi-concrete figural-spatial form. Students also learn important academic vocabulary, concepts, and skills as they analyze relationships between objects, between words, and between objects and words by:

  • Observing, recognizing, and describing characteristics
  • Distinguishing similarities and differences
  • Identifying & completing sequences, classifications, & analogies

These processes help students develop superior thinking and communication skills that lead to deeper content learning in all subjects. Activities are modeled to reinforce skills and concepts. Level 3 for grades 7-12+ is split into two books: one for Figural Similarities, Sequences, and Classifications; and one for Verbal Similarities, Sequences, and Classifications. These workbooks are reproducible for classroom and individual use! Answer key included. 200-400+ pages depending on grade level. Copyright 2006-2008.


IOWA Form E Resources

IOWA Form E Sample Test Report

IOWA Form E Quick Reference Guide to Score Types

IOWA Form E Scope & Sequence

IOWA Form E Test Question Descriptions

IOWA Form E Subjects Tested plus Completion Times

CogAT Resources

CogAT Form 7 Sample Report

CogAT Form 7 Scope & Sequence

CogAT Form 7 Areas Tested plus Completion Times

Interactive Ability Profile Interpretation System*

*This link will take you to an external site that was built to enable teachers & parents to interpret the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT) Ability Score Profiles for their students.