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Ordering Standardized Tests for Private Schools & Groups

Ordering Steps

Creating an online account is required for ordering standardized tests.

IOWA, CogAT, TerraNova, & Stanford Online.
Order about 6 weeks prior to your desired test week.

Step 1: Download this spreadsheet and spreadsheet instructions so you can fill-in the spreadsheet with the student information specified.

Step 2: Email the completed spreadsheet, school/group contact information, and brand of test desired.

Step 3: Login to your account about 6 weeks prior (at least 3 weeks prior) to your desired test date to verify the accuracy of the order information in your shopping cart, select your beginning test week, and pay for the order.

PLEASE NOTE: For paper booklet tests, after receiving your Order Confirmation email, please review the number of direction booklets automatically added to your order. If you require more direction booklets, please contact us ASAP.

For paper booklet tests, by the end of the 14-day rental period, send all test materials back to Seton for scoring.

CAT Survey tests.
Email with the school address & phone number, and the number of tests needed per grade so we can add the data to your shopping cart and then contact you for order completion.


School orders tend to ship via UPS about 10 days before the beginning test week you select at check-out and usually arrive a few days ahead of time. When the order ships, a notification with a tracking number is emailed to the email address on the order account. If you don’t receive your order within 5 business days of shipping, please contact us at 800-542-1066.


The price covers the rental cost of the student test booklets, test administration directions, answer sheets, standard shipping to you, scoring, and posting test results.

  • IOWA Form E is $47/test for grade K Level 5 – grade 3 Level 9 consumable, $37/test for grades 3-12 reusable.
  • CogAT Form 7 is $47 per test for grades 2 & 3 consumables, $37 per test for grades 3-12 reusable.
  • CAT is $37 per test for grades 4-12.
  • TerraNova is $47.50 per test for grades 1-12.
  • Stanford Online is $45 per test for grades 3-12.

If you want your school or group to send a Purchase Order to pay by check, please fill-out this credit application, fax it to 888-282-7806, and call us at 800-542-1066 with your credit card information to keep on file.


To qualify for these discounts, orders must be placed and score reports sent to the group coordinator or school.

  • Orders of 25 or more IOWA or CogAT tests get 10% off.
  • Orders of 10 or more CAT, TerraNova, or Stanford tests get 10% off.

Test Reports

The test score reports are usually available within 2-3 weeks in your online account.

  • IOWA Form E test reports include an individual profile narrative as well as a detailed performance profile.
  • CogAT Form 7 test reports include Individual Profile Narrative Report and these scores: Standard Age Scores, Verbal and Nonverbal Scores (including quantitative), and Age/Grade Percentile Scores as well as Interpretive Information.
  • CAT test reports include individual student reports with raw scores, stanines and national percentile rank.
  • TerraNova test reports of individual students include scale scores, grade equivalent, and national percentile rank.
  • Stanford Complete Report & Abbreviated Report include individual student reports with scaled scores, grade equivalent, & percentiles.

Customized test reports are available upon request for a fee. Fees vary depending on the customizations desired.

Scoring Only Orders for TerraNova 2/CAT 6

Instructions for SCORING ONLY orders of the TerraNova 2/CAT 6 Complete Battery w/Plus and Survey w/Plus

  1. Verify that you have the TerraNova 2/CAT 6 booklets. We can score both Complete Battery w/Plus and Survey w/Plus. We cannot score other versions of the TerraNova, such as the TerraNova 3. PLEASE NOTE: There are no returns on these purchased test materials.
  2. You must create an online account.
  3. Download and fill-in this spreadsheet. Directions are here.
  4. Email the completed spreadsheet so we can add the data to your shopping cart.
  5. Pricing is $15.00 per student. For grades 4-12, our answer documents MUST be used and are included in the $15 cost. $250 minimum order.
  6. We will place the order in our system for you and you will receive an email confirmation. The total in the email confirmation does not reflect your actual total. You will receive an invoice with your actual total, and we will contact you for payment information.
  7. If you want to send a Purchase Order to pay by check, please fill-out this credit application, fax it to 888-282-7806, and call us at 800-542-1066 with your credit card information to keep on file.

Download & Print – Info Files of Standardized Tests

Overview of Available Tests
CAT Survey
TerraNova 2/CAT 6
Stanford 10 Online
CogAT Form 7

For Public Schools

Although Seton serves primarily private schools and homeschoolers, Public Schools can order the following test products from us:
TerraNova 2/CAT 6 test
Reading & math diagnostic tests
Algebra Placement Test
Test prep products